Hertfordshire police have held a special safeguarding training event for those employed in Stevenage's night time economy.

Organised by senior police licensing officer, Gill Akroyd, the event on Tuesday, June 20, was only the second of its kind in Hertfordshire.

Police hope that the event will provide those working in hotels, pubs and clubs with information to help them keep their clients safe, and ensure their businesses are recognised as safe environments to spend time in.

Those attending were given guidance on what to look for and what they should do if an incident happens or is reported to them while they are at work. Measures that can be put in place to assist visitors and staff at the businesses were also discussed.

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A variety of presentations were given on HollieGuard (a free app to help protect those at risk of harm); how police teams investigate child sexual exploitation and the warning signs to watch out for; the Ask for Angela and Ask for Clive campaigns; how the SIA Investigation Team operates; the white ribbon initiative; and Licensing Savi, a new online safeguarding accreditation for pubs and hotels.

Following the event, Gill Akroyd said: “Local and national evidence shows that violence against women and girls (VAWG) can take place in hotels, pubs, cafés and places licensed to sell alcohol.

“We are working with the industry to highlight the problem and improve standards, and to make sure people employed in these industries are aware of the warning signs and have the confidence to report their concerns.

“I’d like to thank all those that attended, we had a great response.

"VAWG isn’t always easy to spot, but there are signs to look out for and we have provided campaign posters and training to raise awareness among customers and staff.”