Stevenage trained at the Lamex Stadium this week as they prepared for the visit of Blackpool on Saturday.

In what was a first under boss Darren Sarll, he decided to alter his team’s regime and leave the Bragbury End training ground vacant Thursday morning.

“It was just a change of scenery,” he said.

“I’ve never done it before, Teddy Sheringham never did it either.

“The FA Youth Cup has come and gone now so we don’t have that responsibility on the ground staff.

“I thought it would be a nice change Thursday morning, there’s nothing better than playing at an enclosed arena like a stadium.

“Some of the players have only played at the Lamex six or seven times so it was just a case of getting them out there and changing the routine a little bit.

“I think the players got a lot out of it, it’s a completely different atmosphere to the beautiful countryside we have got [at the training ground], we had the terraces and the stadium, it was good.”

While enjoying a run of five straight away league wins on the road, Stevenage’s last five home league games have seen three losses and two draws.

Sarll said: “I do like playing at the Lamex, even though the anti is up because your fans want to be shown a good experience at 3pm.

“We have to improve our performances at home, we have to improve our points collection at home.

“It’s a good place, you don’t go to Mansfield away, Pompey away, Accrington away, Newport away and come back de-motivated to play at home.

“You come back looking forward to playing at home, looking forward to playing on the pitch we have got, we have a lovely surface at the Lamex, we have a good home following, I thought the east terrace last week [against Doncaster Rovers] was sensational.”