Over 100 people attended the Commemorative Church Service held at St Andrew s Parish Church on Sunday, October 29 at 3pm to celebrate the life of Biggleswade s most famous son: Dan Albone the great innovator and townsman of Biggleswade who died on October

Over 100 people attended the Commemorative Church Service held at St Andrew's Parish Church on Sunday, October 29 at 3pm to celebrate the life of Biggleswade's most famous son: Dan Albone the great innovator and townsman of Biggleswade who died on October 30, 1906. Members of Biggleswade History Society presented images of Dan with a synopsis of his life and inventions, readings of a poem written for him in 1904, accolades that were bestowed upon him both during his lifetime and the tribute at the time of his funeral at St. Andrew's 100 years ago. Members of the Society taking part in the readings were the Rev Allan Bliss, Joy Botterell, Margaret Alston, Eric Lund, Jane Croot (nee Albone) and Horace Dilley. Pictures supporting the readings were shown on screen by Mike Strange the Society's Archivist, who also put together a large display of Dan Albone material in the Chapter House featuring Ivel cycles and other inventions including the Ivel Agricultural Motor. A ladies No.5 safety bicycle built c.1902 was also exhibited. The Society's thanks go to Rev William Thackray for all his help and for leading the service, the church officials; the organist and choir for their support in leading the hymns, one of which was Dan's favourite hymn "Fight the Good Fight" and the bell-ringers for delivering a quarter peel of bells after the service. Dan's great-niece Maud and her husband Lee Irvine who, in conjunction with Kathy Hindle, wrote "A Thorough Good Fellow" were unfortunately unable to make the journey from Brighton because of ill-health but sent their good wishes. However, another great-niece Anne Marsh and great-nephew Stephen Shell descendents of Dan's sister Ann did attend, along with other distant relatives. Representatives from associations in the town and further afield with which Dan was connected were also present, including members of the Veteran-Cycle Club some of whom were in period costume. It was also good to see so many townspeople delighted to support this community event. After the service everyone adjourned to the Chapter House for refreshments for which the Society's thanks go to Joan Tolson, Mary Williams and their team of helpers. The next meeting of the Biggleswade History Society will be held at Millennium House in Shortmead Street on Tuesday, November 7 when members will see a presentation of humorous old films courtesy of Vic Brunt. Bookings will be taken for the Christmas Party. Doors open at 7.45 for an 8pm start. Anyone wishing to join the Biggleswade History Society, or wanting to find out more about its activities, contact the Secretary, Jean Strange on 01767 315075 or www.BiggleswadeHistory.org.uk.