Hitchin BID has announced a new list of dates for the town's ghost walks, beginning Wednesday, September 11 and running until Wednesday, December 18.

All tours begin at 7pm, led by two guides that immerse you in the spooky stories of the town’s past.

For £10, discover many chilling tales during a 75-minute, mile-long exploration of the historic town centre in the company of two experienced guides.

The tour features a trip down the town centre alley which is said to be haunted by a ‘murderous schoolteacher’.

That is not the only spooky spot in Hitchin - there are plenty of scary locations across the town, one of which being the Sun Hotel.

A former 16th century coach inn, the Sun Hotel has plenty of spirits that roam the property. The old coach entrance is believed to be haunted by three robbers who were hanged for holding up the inn at gunpoint in 1772.

The spirit of Lord Havisham, who took his own life in the building in the 1800s, is often seen holding a fish, while a barmaid has claimed to see the ghost of a monk walk across the bar and pour himself a drink.

The Sun Hotel has lots of history, and it would appear, lots of ghosts too.

Hitchin Priory is also said to be haunted with more than one apparition seen at the location.

The most common is the mysterious grey lady, who has often been spotted floating above the stairs on the top floor of the 14th century building.

It is believed that two more ghosts haunt the Priory grounds, so it is certainly not a place you want to be after dark.

If you wish to buy tickets for the Hitchin Ghost Walk you can find them at https://visithitchin.com/event/hitchin-ghost-walk-6-september-2023/