Dental tourism is a form of medical tourism where you travel abroad to obtain medical treatment. Turkey is one of the most popular destinations for dental medical tourism. This is primarily because of the low costs of dental treatments in Turkey.

The dental price in Turkey is significantly more affordable than any other destination in the world. Turkey is famous for its low-cost dental care and many different treatments and services.

What kind of dental procedures are available in Turkey?

Let's first discuss the different types of dental treatments available at Cosmedica Dental before we address the cost. Below are some types of dental procedures you can find in the dental clinic in Turkey:

Dental implants

This is a popular dental procedure in Turkey. It involves a dentist placing metal posts to replace the roots of the teeth to support artificial teeth.

Dental implants are usually inserted into the jawbone. There are different types of implants such as implant-supported bridge, single-tooth, all-on-4 and 3-on-6 implants. Other services such as taking a panoramic X-ray may also be part of this treatment.

Dental veneers

Veneers are custom-made shells that cover the front surface of the teeth. Their role is to conceal cosmetic imperfections like stained teeth, gaps, cracks, and chips.


Also known as invisible braces, this is a form of teeth straightening treatment that uses a series of clear plastic aligners (trays) to gradually move teeth into perfect alignment.

This treatment is generally expensive in most parts of the world. However, when it comes to Turkey, the treatment is impressively affordable.

Teeth whitening

A lot of clinics in Turkey also offer professional teeth whitening. It is a safe way of achieving a brighter smile without adding any foreign element on your teeth. The method used normally depends on the type of stains on your teeth and it can affect the cost.

What are the costs of dental procedures in Turkey?

The cost of the treatments usually differs depending on the type of procedure. For instance, in the case of implants, the price in Turkey is typically 70% less than in most countries. This means that getting the treatment done in Turkey will save you thousands of dollars.

However, the cost may also differ depending on the type of implant. For instance, a metal porcelain crown would be more expensive than a conventional one.

When it comes to treatments like veneers, Turkey prices are also affordable. However, the cost will always depend on whether you get permanent or temporary veneers.

Also, the process may take a couple of days to a week or more. Therefore, the longer it takes, the more the cost. However, depending on the dental clinic you visit, you may benefit from free accommodation.

It is also worth mentioning that the cost for Turkey teeth treatments like teeth whitening and Invisalign is also very cheap.

Why is the dental cost in Turkey cheaper than in other countries?

Dental prices in Turkey are significantly lower than most destinations. For this reason, Turkey is known as one of the most popular destinations for dental travel in the world.

In Turkey, clinics have affordable prices because they do not have hidden costs. Most clinics in the country are transparent about their pricing. Patients can trust that they will not be surprised by additional fees at these clinics.

Also, some clinics offer perks like free accommodation which help reduce the dental cost in Turkey significantly. Before you travel for your treatment, you can contact a potential clinic and ask for a free quote. Cosmedica Dental in Turkey offers free quotations and other complementary services.

Another reason for the cheap dental costs in Turkey is the fact that there are several clinics available. This means that the competition is very tough in the dental sector. So, existing clinics have to adjust their prices so they can stand a chance against their competitors.

Final words

Generally, the dental cost in Turkey can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars. While the amount of money you save from one treatment in Turkey may not feel like it is worth the trip, the fact that you also get to enjoy dental tourism is an added benefit.

You can make the most of your trip by enjoying the beauty that attracts thousands of tourists to Turkey for fun.